What’s at Stake this November: Pay Equity (Show Me the Money!)
The pay gap between working women and men is one of the highest ranking concerns for women. It’s increasingly a priority for men—because when one earner in a family brings in less than she should, the family suffers overall.
Pay, Promotions And Workplace Equity During (And After) The Pandemic
Listen to the Radio Interview Due to the recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, women are leaving their jobs or scaling back work responsibilities at alarming rates. And in part, it’s because of the still-ingrained expectation that women are responsible for child care. From Chabeli Carrrazana, writing for The 19th: For the first time since they began a consistent upward climb in the labor force in the 1970s, women are now suffering the repercussions of a system that still treats them unequally. Men are still the primary breadwinners. Women are still the primary low-income workers, the ones whose jobs disappeared when coronavirus spread. Mothers in 2020’s pandemic have reduced their work hours four to five times more than fathers to care for children in a nation that hasn’t created a strong caregiving foundation. When the economy crumbled, women [...]
Why Do We Need International Equal Pay Day?
By Benjamin Laker Campaigns for equality are occurring in all industries across the world, because male leaders continue to be paid more than women, in many instances, for exactly the same responsibility. And so, last week, the United Nations initiated the first-ever International Equal Pay Day and demanded that women receive equal remuneration for work of equal value. Despite Equal Pay already legislated by law in most countries, this day is, unfortunately, needed. The UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, is clear that equal pay laws have failed to address the problem, so better solutions are required. The problem is, indeed, global. Take Australia: according to KPMG in 2018, women make up just over half of their population yet, on average, are paid $26,000 less per annum than men. Things are no better in Europe, where in 2020, three [...]
Women in President Donald Trump’s White House earn 69 cents for every $1 paid to male staffers
The gender pay gap is wider than the national pay gap and wider than the gap in the Obama White House.
There’s still a taboo on discussing salaries. But millennials are breaking it.
When our employers force us to keep our salaries secret, they make life worse for everyone.
As a Black single mom, how much money will I have lost out on by the end of my career?
What could I do with a million extra dollars in my pocket? That is the question many working women will be contemplating at the end of their careers. As a Black single mother and the breadwinner in my family, I will have to work harder and longer to achieve the same markers of financial success — homeownership, savings and wealth — as most men. Over the course of my career, I’ll earn less on the dollar compared to my White counterparts. That’s less money I have to save for my future or for an emergency, to pay off student loan debt or to send my children to college. This year, Aug. 13 marks Black Women’s Equal Pay Day — the day Black women in America have, on average, reached the earnings White men achieved [...]