Status of Women in the Swing States: Michigan
Like in most states, women will be a crucial voting demographic for Michigan in the 2020 election cycle.
Like in most states, women will be a crucial voting demographic for Michigan in the 2020 election cycle.
“This election season, there’s an opportunity to create a system [...]
There is much at stake for women in Florida in the upcoming election. The outcome will decide whether policies are enacted that support women, their families, and their communities.
The Status of Women in North Carolina: Political Participation presents data on several aspects of women’s involvement in the political process in North Carolina, comparing North Carolina to other states and the United States overall.
Women’s Health in the Middle Years: Your Education. Your Occupation. Presentation by Elyse Shaw, Study Director, to CDC Office of Women’s Health
The percentage of women working part-time in Utah is still the highest in the nation. Business ownership and representation in professional and managerial positions among Utah women are also increasing, more Utah women now live above the poverty line, and women in Utah have made great strides in education attainment; however, the progress in these areas is markedly different when race and ethnicity are taken into account.
As of 2016, women in Utah still work outside of the home at similar rates to women nationally and—while not yet at the same levels as U.S. women—they also continue to pursue business ownership, make progress in educational attainment, and overcome some aspects of poverty.
North Carolina receives a grade of C for women’s employment and earnings, which is better than the D the state earned when The Status of Women in the States was published in 2004.
The Status of Women in Florida by County: Health & Well-Being is one in a series of four publications on women’s status across Florida’s counties commissioned by the Florida Women’s Funding Alliance, an affinity group of Florida Philanthropic Network.
Women in Texas have made progress in recent years, but still face inequities that can prevent them from reaching their full potential. This fact sheet examines trends in Texas women’s status in the areas of employment and earnings, and poverty and opportunity.