Press HitsAdministrator2020-08-11T13:06:36-05:00

Press Hits

Don't Give Me Roses, Just Give Me Equity

"For women who are lucky enough to have a paycheck, there are several Valentine's gifts more satisfying than those sickly sweet candy hearts. A dozen roses will be wilted and trashed by her next payday, [...]

November 10, 2010|

CSPAN's Washington Journal

Watch IWPR President Dr. Heidi Hartmann discuss increases in spending for women's programs in President Obama's 2011 budget request to Congress

November 10, 2010|

Should Work-Life Balance Be The Law?

“Actually, the United States has only one major labor law, said Kevin Miller of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. “With the exception of the Family and Medical Leave Act, which is fairly weak, the [...]

November 10, 2010|