Press HitsAdministrator2020-08-11T13:06:36-05:00

Press Hits

Sick and Tired of No Leave

"'Nothing has brought home the need for paid sick days more than the recession,' said Kevin Miller, senior research associate at IWPR. 'Now more than ever, families need flexible workplace policies that allow them to [...]

November 10, 2010|

Breastfeeding? Bring Your Pump to Work

“It's not something most of us think about until we actually have to do it. After all, who really wants to have to pump their breasts at work? It's bad enough having to share a bathroom with [...]

November 10, 2010|

Sick at Work

"The Healthy Families Act that got a bit of traction in Congress last spring would create a new national standard, guaranteeing employees one paid hour off for each 30 hours worked and enabling them to [...]

November 10, 2010|

Hey Big Spender: Bundle’s gender breakdown

" According to  Bundle -- a brand-new partner site of  MSN Money that lets users investigate spending trends by age, household, income and geography -- single men outspend single women in almost every category. Yes, men [...]

November 10, 2010|

Report: Training Widens Pay Gap

"That’s because women are still getting trained as sales clerks and office workers, jobs traditionally filled by women. Meanwhile, men in WIA programs are being trained to build, install and repair things. Such positions tend [...]

November 10, 2010|